Kalki Krishnamurthy’s Tamil novel, “Alai Osai,” tells the story of the Hindus’ distress during Partition. The novel, set in the pre-Independence era, is considered one of Kalki’s masterpieces and has been re-published multiple times over the past 15 years. The government of Tamil Nadu has announced the nationalization of Kalki’s works, allowing publishers to reprint his works.
What is the genre of alai osai
Kalki Krishnamurthy’s Tamil novel, “Alai Osai,” is a historical fiction that provides social commentary on the mindset of Hindus during the period leading up to India’s independence from British rule in 1947. The novel highlights the distress of Hindus during Partition and provides a unique perspective on the Indian people’s experiences during that era.
What is the historical context of alai osai
Kalki Krishnamurthy’s Tamil novel, “Alai Osai,” is a historical fiction that provides social commentary on the mindset of Hindus during the period leading up to India’s independence from British rule in 1947. The novel highlights the distress of Hindus during Partition and provides a unique perspective on the Indian people’s experiences during that era.